103 research outputs found

    Automatic Verification of Parametric Specifications with Complex Topologies

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    The focus of this paper is on reducing the complexity in verification by exploiting modularity at various levels: in specification, in verification, and structurally. \begin{itemize} \item For specifications, we use the modular language CSP-OZ-DC, which allows us to decouple verification tasks concerning data from those concerning durations. \item At the verification level, we exploit modularity in theorem proving for rich data structures and use this for invariant checking. \item At the structural level, we analyze possibilities for modular verification of systems consisting of various components which interact. \end{itemize} We illustrate these ideas by automatically verifying safety properties of a case study from the European Train Control System standard, which extends previous examples by comprising a complex track topology with lists of track segments and trains with different routes

    Generating Non-Linear Interpolants by Semidefinite Programming

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    Interpolation-based techniques have been widely and successfully applied in the verification of hardware and software, e.g., in bounded-model check- ing, CEGAR, SMT, etc., whose hardest part is how to synthesize interpolants. Various work for discovering interpolants for propositional logic, quantifier-free fragments of first-order theories and their combinations have been proposed. However, little work focuses on discovering polynomial interpolants in the literature. In this paper, we provide an approach for constructing non-linear interpolants based on semidefinite programming, and show how to apply such results to the verification of programs by examples.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    On Deciding Local Theory Extensions via E-matching

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    Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers incorporate decision procedures for theories of data types that commonly occur in software. This makes them important tools for automating verification problems. A limitation frequently encountered is that verification problems are often not fully expressible in the theories supported natively by the solvers. Many solvers allow the specification of application-specific theories as quantified axioms, but their handling is incomplete outside of narrow special cases. In this work, we show how SMT solvers can be used to obtain complete decision procedures for local theory extensions, an important class of theories that are decidable using finite instantiation of axioms. We present an algorithm that uses E-matching to generate instances incrementally during the search, significantly reducing the number of generated instances compared to eager instantiation strategies. We have used two SMT solvers to implement this algorithm and conducted an extensive experimental evaluation on benchmarks derived from verification conditions for heap-manipulating programs. We believe that our results are of interest to both the users of SMT solvers as well as their developers

    Efficient Interpolation for the Theory of Arrays

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    Existing techniques for Craig interpolation for the quantifier-free fragment of the theory of arrays are inefficient for computing sequence and tree interpolants: the solver needs to run for every partitioning (A,B)(A, B) of the interpolation problem to avoid creating ABAB-mixed terms. We present a new approach using Proof Tree Preserving Interpolation and an array solver based on Weak Equivalence on Arrays. We give an interpolation algorithm for the lemmas produced by the array solver. The computed interpolants have worst-case exponential size for extensionality lemmas and worst-case quadratic size otherwise. We show that these bounds are strict in the sense that there are lemmas with no smaller interpolants. We implemented the algorithm and show that the produced interpolants are useful to prove memory safety for C programs.Comment: long version of the paper at IJCAR 201

    Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures

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    Our goal is to identify families of relations that are useful for reasoning about software. We describe such families using decidable quantifier-free classes of logical constraints with a rich set of operations. A key challenge is to define such classes of constraints in a modular way, by combining multiple decidable classes. Working with quantifierfree combinations of constraints makes the combination agenda more realistic and the resulting logics more likely to be tractable than in the presence of quantifiers. Our approach to combination is based on reducing decidable fragments to a common class, Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA). This logic was introduced by Feferman and Vaught in 1959 and can express properties of uninterpreted sets of elements, with set algebra operations and equicardinality relation (consequently, it can also express Presburger arithmetic constraints on cardinalities of sets). Combination by reduction to BAPA allows us to obtain decidable quantifierfree combinations of decidable logics that share BAPA operations. We use the term Calculus of Data Structures to denote a family of decidable constraints that reduce to BAPA. This class includes, for example, combinations of formulas in BAPA, weak monadic second-order logic of k-successors, two-variable logic with counting, and term algebras with certain homomorphisms. The approach of reduction to BAPA generalizes the Nelson-Oppen combination that forms the foundation of constraint solvers used in software verification. BAPA is convenient as a target for reductions because it admits quantifier elimination and its quantifier-free fragment is NP-complete. We describe a new member of the Calculus of Data Structures: a quantifier-free fragment that supports 1) boolean algebra of finite and infinite sets of real numbers, 2) linear arithmetic over real numbers, 3) formulas that can restrict chosen set or element variables to range over integers (providing, among others, the power of mixed integer arithmetic and sets of integers), 4) the cardinality operators, stating whether a given set has a given finite cardinality or is infinite, 5) infimum and supremum operators on sets. Among the applications of this logic are reasoning about the externally observable behavior of data structures such as sorted lists and priority queues, and specifying witness functions for the BAPA synthesis problem. We describe an abstract reduction to BAPA for our logic, proving that the satisfiability of the logic is in NP and that it can be combined with the other fragments of the Calculus of Data Structures

    System description: H-PILoT

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    Abstract. This system description provides an overview of H-PILoT (Hierarchical Proving by Instantiation in Local Theory extensions), a program for hierarchical reasoning in extensions of logical theories with functions axiomatized by a set of clauses. H-PILoT reduces deduction problems in the theory extension to deduction problems in the base theory. Specialized provers and standard SMT solvers can be used for testing the satisfiability of the formulae obtained after the reduction. For local theory extensions this hierarchical reduction is sound and complete and – if the formulae obtained this way belong to a fragment decidable in the base theory – H-PILoT provides a decision procedure for testing satisfiability of ground formulae, and can also be used for model generation

    Resolution-based Theorem Proving for {SH}n-Logics

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    In this paper we illustrate by means of an example, namely SHn-logics, a method for translation to clause form and automated theorem proving for first-order many-valued logics based on distributive lattices with operators

    Resolution-based decision procedures for the universal theory of some classes of distributive lattices with operators

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    In this paper we establish a link between satisfiability of universal sentences with respect to classes of distributive lattices with operators and satisfiability with respect to certain classes of relational structures. This justifies a method for structure-preserving translation to clause form of universal (Horn) sentences in such classes of algebras. We show that refinements of resolution yield decision procedures for the universal (Horn) theory of some such classes. In particular, we obtain exponential decision procedures for the universal Horn theory of (i) the class of all bounded distributive lattices with operators, (ii) for the class of all bounded distributive lattices with operators satisfying a set of (generalized) residuation conditions, and a doubly-exponential decision procedure for the universal Horn theory of the class of all Heyting algebras

    Automatisches Beweisen in komplexen Theorien

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    Wir erforschen Rahmenbedingungen, die es ermöglichen, Beweisaufgaben in komplexen Theorien modular in Beweisaufgaben für die einfacheren Bestandteile dieser Theorien zu zerlegen. Durch Ausnutzung der Modularität sind solche Beweisverfahren besonders flexibel und effizient und deshalb in vielen Bereichen (wie etwa in der Verifikation komplexer Systeme, aber auch in der Mathematik oder Wissensrepräsentation) anwendbar
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